Red Flag Warning For Southern Maryland
4/8/2021 (Permalink)
A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity and warm temperatures are all contributing factors in a red flag warning. A Red Flag Warning means the current or future weather conditions are favorable for critical fires.
SERVPRO of St. Mary's County and Calvert County wants to educate you on what NOT to do during a Red Flag Warning here in Southern Maryland as temperatures continue to rise.
During a Red Flag Warning you should avoid all outdoor burnings including bonfires, fireworks, smoking and more, especially near wildland. If you are grilling or other equipment be cautious of your area.
Brush fires can spread quickly cause widespread damage and evicting thousands of animals from their homes. If you see a Red Flag Warning, do you part and avoid any potential factors that could increase the risk of a fire.
Check out the link below to read an article on a local Brush Fire that happened this past March 2021.